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91 items found for ""

  • Naming of Libraries

    Naming of Libraries All new libraries shall be named for the geographical area in which they are located. The Library Board will consider naming an area of the library, such as a meeting room, for a corporation or an individual, living or deceased, who has made a significant contribution to the Fauquier County Public Library system or to an individual library. The Board may also approve the placement of a commemorative plaque in a library to honor significant contributions of Fauquier County citizens. The principal exterior sign for all new buildings must include “Fauquier County Public Library,” the branch name, and the street number clearly visible from the street. This policy should also be applied where possible when existing buildings are renovated. Adopted: 2/19/03

  • Group Visits

    Group Visits The Fauquier County Public Library provides resources and programs that seek to inform, educate, enrich, and entertain every member of the community. As part of its mission, the library provides programming for schools and groups that matches their special interests and needs. Presentations are age-appropriate and may include information about library resources, story programs, or basic instruction on using the computer catalog. Whether a school or group seeks a special tour, program, or simply the opportunity to visit without special plans, prearranging the visit is necessary to provide meaningful use of the facility and resources. This will allow library staff to prepare for group needs and to ensure that the visit will not conflict with other group visits or events. Coordination of planning between the library and school and group leaders will result in the best possible experience for patrons. Guidelines for Group Visits Schools and groups of 6 or more individuals should prearrange visits to the library at least two weeks in advance. Please make arrangements by calling the location of your planned visit. The Warrenton and Bealeton branch libraries can accommodate up to 30 individuals per group; the Marshall branch library, 15. When scheduling school/group visits, please plan for one adult to accompany each group of 10 children. Adults are asked to remain with their groups during the visit and to assist in monitoring the group for proper library behavior. Because there is a high demand for school and group visits, the library may not be able to provide regularly scheduled visits for specific groups or schools. When possible, group visits will be scheduled during the hours that the library is not open to the general public. Generally, visits will not be scheduled during the libraries’ busiest hours. Teachers or group leaders must notify the library if their group will not be keeping its scheduled appointment. Adopted: 12/16/93 Revised: 2/21/08

  • New to the Collection | Fauquier Library

    New to the Collection See More McFadden, Freida Learn More Ward D Crawford, Alan Pell Learn More This fierce people : the untold story of America's Revolutionary War in the South Porter, Regina Learn More The rich people have gone away a novel McCall Smith, Alexander, 1948- Learn More The stellar debut of Galactica Macfee O'Connor, Ian Learn More Out of the darkness : the mystery of Aaron Rodgers New for Adults See More Endō, Tatsuya, 1980- Learn More Spy x family. 12 Barnes, Jennifer Lynn Learn More The grandest game Roberts, Lauren, 2002- Learn More Reckless Cobell, K. A Learn More Looking for smoke McManus, Karen M. Learn More Such charming liars New for Teens (12-18) See More Adelman, Beth Learn More History of moon exploration Reeves, Diane Lindsey, 1959- Learn More Living on the moon Howell, Izzi Learn More Introduction to Earth's processes and changes Howell, Izzi Learn More Introduction to maps Dougherty, Brandi. Learn More The littlest pumpkin New for Children & Tweens (6-11) See More Khalil, Aya Learn More Hello, tummy! Khalil, Aya Learn More Hello, hands! Schofield-Morrison, Connie. Learn More I got the spooky spirit Posner-Sanchez, Andrea. Learn More Brushy brush! Hoban, Tana Learn More Black & white in color New for Young Children (0-5)

  • Hours of Operation

    Hours of Operation The Fauquier County Public Library will be open a minimum of 61 hours per week at the Warrenton and Bealeton branches and 49 hours per week at the John Marshall branch. The Library Board will determine days and daily hours of operation. The library will close on holidays established by the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors and at other times deemed necessary by the library director with the approval of the Library Board. Except in cases of emergencies, notice of closing will be posted in the library two weeks in advance and will be reported to the local news media. Regularly scheduled hours of operation will be established to best meet the needs of library users and will be evaluated by survey and/or public input on a regular basis. Adopted: 11/20/03 Revised: 2/17/05, 3/19/09, 7/21/10, 7/20/11, 5/17/12

  • Criteria for Adding Links to Library Website

    Criteria for Adding Links to Library Website Website links added to the library website must enhance and support its mission to provide and promote materials and services that meet the individual interests and needs of the residents of Fauquier County. The author or developing body of the website must have an established reputation such as governmental, educational, and cultural agencies. Commercial, personal, and illegal websites as well as listservs and chatrooms are not considered for inclusion. Websites must be informational, educational, or related to reading, books, and have a neutral viewpoint. Websites must be updated regularly so that information is current and accurate. Websites must be easy to use with information logically arranged. Websites must be primarily subject-oriented. Advertising does not overshadow content, nor is it the primary purpose of the site. Websites with particular relevancy to Fauquier County, or Virginia may be considered for inclusion. Any staff member or library user may suggest website links. The library website committee is responsible for selecting links from the library website. The website committee includes the Public Services Manager, the Collection Development Manager and the Public Information Manager. Periodic checking of selected links is assigned to library staff. Adopted: 4/15/04

  • Friends of the Library

    Friends of the Library The Library Board recognizes the Friends of the Library as vital in supporting and promoting the library’s mission, goals, services, and resources. Friends also foster public support for the development of the library. Whereas, Library Board sets policy and establishes the goals of the library; the Friends of the Fauquier Library supports the policy and assists the Board in reaching its goals. It is the responsibility of the Library Board to work closely with Friends, to keep them informed about library service and to seek their assistance in achieving the best possible library service for the citizens of Fauquier County. The Friends of the Fauquier Library sets its own purposes consistent with the needs of the library. Cooperative projects for the benefit of the library are encouraged, provided no project compromises the Library Board’s responsibility for library policy and management. Cooperative projects should be selected by the library director, in consultation with the Friends board of directors for their appropriateness in meeting current need, practicality, and conformance to the policies of the Library Board. The library director or designated representative serves as the principal liaison between the Library Board and the board of directors of the Friends organization. Friends meetings should be held at least annually to plan and define projects which would be most beneficial to the library’s purposes. The Library Board and library employees are encouraged to lend active support to the work of the Friends through membership and participation in Friends activities. Friends of the Library is self-supporting, holding meetings, electing officers, and maintaining its own financial records governed by by-laws. Adopted: 6/4/87 Revised: 6/2/88, 9/17/92, 3/16/11

  • JBP Room Policy | Fauquier Library

    JBP Meeting Room Policy The Fauquier County Public Library maintains the John Barton Payne Community Hall at 2 Courthouse Square as a meeting room intended for the exchange of information and ideas. To that end, priority is given to library-sponsored programs and activities that supplement and enhance library services. ​ Fauquier County and other local government agencies may use the room for official business and are given priority. The room may be rented by non-profit or not-for-profit organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, charitable or civic activities; businesses may rent the room for education, meetings and training purposes. As available, the room may be rented by individuals for private or social events. ​ After library or government use, priority is given to non-profits, not-for-profit organizations or businesses based in Fauquier County. ​ The room may only be reserved by an adult 18 years or older. ​ The Library Board of Trustees has established guidelines for room use and fees for the use of the room. ​ Commercial activity and/or solicitation are prohibited. Fundraising, unless it benefits the Fauquier County Public Library or the Friends of the Fauquier County Public Library, is not allowed. ​ Admission fees may not be charged to people attending meetings or events. Publicly funded institutions and accredited educational facilities may charge fees to cover the cost of materials and supplies. ​ The room may be reserved up to ninety days in advance. Except for library and library-related programs, groups may not use the meeting room more than once a month. Regular meeting times are not guaranteed. A single one-time event or a limited series of meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the library director. ​ All users must adhere to the library’s Code of Conduct. ​ Use of the meeting rooms by an organization does not constitute endorsement of its policies or beliefs. Publicity must state the name and address of the sponsoring organization or the name and telephone number of the organization contact person. Publicity must not state or imply that the program is jointly sponsored by the library. Groups should not advertise use of the meeting room until their reservation has been confirmed. ​ Groups or individuals failing to comply with any part of this policy or established procedures may be denied further use of the meeting room. A denial may be appealed to the Library Board. ​ Activities sponsored by Fauquier County or the library are not subject to the guidelines of this policy. ​ Adopted: 2/19/88 Revised: 1/21/99, 10/19/00, 12/00, 10/16/93, 2/19/04, 10/19/06, 1/23/08, 11/20/88, 4/24/09, 5/19/10, 5/19/11, 11/19/15, 11/19/19

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