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91 items found for ""

  • Suspension of Library Privileges

    Suspension of Library Privileges The Fauquier County Public Library encourages people of all ages to visit its libraries. Those using the library and its resources have the right to expect a safe, comfortable environment that supports appropriate library services. Patrons exhibiting inappropriate behavior in a Fauquier County Public Library facility may be asked to leave or may be suspended. The Library Board of Trustees has stated that the length of the suspension should match the seriousness of the behavior. Longer suspension periods will be instituted if the problem is particularly egregious, or the inappropriate behavior escalates in severity and reoccurs despite warnings and repeated suspensions. Criminal behavior will result in an indefinite suspension of library privileges. Suspended patrons may not use any branch of the library. Children exhibiting inappropriate behavior in the library may require special consideration. The age of the child and the seriousness of the behavior are factors to weigh when dealing with the inappropriate behavior of a child. A patron who has been suspended for six-months or more must appeal in writing to the Library Board for reinstatement of privileges. Adopted: 3/8/07

  • Unclaimed Property & Lost and Found

    Unclaimed Property & Lost and Found The Fauquier County Public Library is not responsible for the security of personal items brought into any library facility. Patrons are expected to keep their belongings, especially valuables such as wallets, purses, cell phones, and laptops, within their sight at all times. Reasonable attempts will be made to reunite an owner with a lost item. In some instances, the library may presume that an abandoned item may present a risk and will take appropriate measures to ensure the safety and security of patrons and staff. Perishable items such as food, personal care, baby bottles or water bottles, etc. will be thrown out. Other lost and found items will be dated and stored at central sites in all library facilities. If an owner satisfactorily identifies his/her lost item, it will be returned to him/her. Unclaimed Items such as wallets, purses, cell phones, and laptops, etc. will be turned over to the Fauquier Sheriff’s Department. All other items not claimed within a reasonable amount of time become library property. Unclaimed books will be added to the collection or sold with proceeds benefiting the library. Unclaimed money will be donated to the Friends of the Fauquier Library. Clothing will be disposed of or donated to a charity as appropriate. Bicycles that are chained to the bike rack for an extended period will be removed and turned over to the Sheriff’s Department. Other unclaimed items will be disposed of in a manner to be determined by the Library Director. Adopted: 10/25/2012 Revised: 02/22/2024

  • Petitions, Surveys and Solicitation

    Petitions, Surveys and Solicitation Petitions As a public institution, the Fauquier County Public Library must remain impartial in matters of local or national debate or controversy. For this reason library patrons or staff may not be approached for petition signatures while in the library. The library reserves the right to display petitions approved by the Library Board of Trustees which are directly related to library services or activities. Surveys The Board of Trustees of the Fauquier County Public Library does not permit surveys to be conducted within the library or on library property with the following exceptions: With the approval of the Library Board, surveys may be conducted by the library itself or by library-related groups such as the Friends of the Library, when information from such surveys will benefit the library and its patrons. Requests may be made to the Library Board to conduct surveys of informational or educational nature. Solicitation The Board of Trustees of the Fauquier County Public Library does not permit non-library affiliated persons, groups or organizations to sell, solicit or collect for goods or services on library property. Adopted: 7/15/93 Revised: 11/19/98

  • Community Partnerships

    Community Partnerships The Fauquier County Public Library’s resources, involvement, and leadership in the community are extended through partnerships with businesses, institutions, organizations, and other County departments. The library recognizes that partnerships can enhance its image, increase its visibility, provide funds or gifts to offset special programs and services, and help introduce new services. Library partners will benefit from increased exposure and visibility through their involvement with the library. Only entities deemed appropriate and compatible with the mission, goals, and policies of the library will be considered for potential partnership. Library partnerships may include: Cooperative/reciprocal agreements that are generally on-going and involve an exchange of services between the Fauquier County Public Library and other libraries, governmental, or non-profit agencies; Partnerships with corporate entities that involve the donation of services or concessions to the library for a specific project; Sponsorships in which a sponsor donates money and/or services for an activity and receives recognition for a specific period of time from the library. The library will develop each partnership on an individual basis and will document expectations and responsibilities in a written agreement. The library reserves the right to cancel a partnership agreement with an organization that uses the library’s name without prior consent or develops a public image inappropriate to the library’s mission, goals, and policies. Any partnership must respect the library’s commitment to intellectual freedom. The library is solely in charge of the selection of materials, programs, or services. The endorsement of products or services will not be permitted. The library’s policies pertaining to confidentiality of records and privacy will be observed. Adopted: 1/13/10

  • Fines and Recovery of Overdue Materials

    Fines and Recovery of Overdue Materials Library materials are purchased for use by all citizens of Fauquier County. The Fauquier County Public Library establishes regulations for the loan of materials, including circulation periods, renewal processes, and fines for late return. The individual who chooses to keep materials long past the due date, or who refuses to settle unpaid fines or fees , compromises his/her borrowing privileges with the library. The library will attempt to recover overdue materials and will notify patrons of unpaid fines and fees according to guidelines established by the Library Board. In the event that the library is unsuccessful in recovering overdue materials, relevant information will be given by the library to the County Attorney for appropriate legal action. Adopted: 11/20/03

  • Materials Selection

    Materials Selection Role of the Library’s Collections The role of the Fauquier County Public Library is to select, organize, preserve, and make available to all individuals in the community materials that reflect the library’s vision, mission, and values. The library recognizes that for many residents of Fauquier County the public library serves as the primary resource for information access. The library is responsible for providing a broad range of materials, information and assistance, presented in a variety of formats such as print, audiovisual, and electronic for patrons of all ages. The library actively integrates information and referral services, interlibrary loan functions, and collection management to provide the most efficient and timely delivery of information services to our patrons. Intellectual Freedom Statement The library takes no sides on public issues and does not attempt to promote any beliefs or points of view through its collections. The library does not endorse the opinions expressed in the materials held. The library recognizes its responsibility to provide materials presenting various and diverse points of view. Responsibility for the use of library materials by minors rests with their parents or legal guardians. Parents who wish to limit or restrict the use of the library by their child should personally oversee their child’s selections. Acquisition of materials for the adult collection should not be restricted by the possibility that the item may come into the possession of minors. The library believes that each individual has the right and responsibility to determine for himself or herself whether an item from the library’s collection is acceptable and suitable. Collection Development Management/ Responsibility The ultimate authority for selection rests with the Library Board through its role in setting policy. The responsibility for coordinating the selection process lies with the Library Director. Daily selection is handled by the Manager of Collection Services and the Youth Services Librarians. Funding The library’s primary sources of funding for materials are from a Virginia state aid grant and Fauquier County. Additional funding through private donations from individuals and community organizations, and groups such as the Friends of the Fauquier Library are generally used to target special projects or specific sections of the collection. Funds received from county writ tax receipts are used to purchase legal resources. The library, using careful stewardship of the funds it receives, recognizes the wealth of resources available through other libraries and agencies and does not needlessly duplicate materials. Selection Process The library strives to maintain a diverse collection of materials responsive to community needs. Selection of materials, whether purchased or donated, is based upon the library’s mission statement. Selection is determined by factors such as budget, space, and the content of existing collections. While the library tries to maintain copies of standard and important works, it does not automatically replace all materials that have been lost or damaged. Each item must be considered in terms of its own excellence and the audience for whom it is intended. Materials are judged on total effect rather than specific illustrations, words, passages or scenes that in themselves may be considered by some to be offensive. A policy, however detailed, cannot replace the judgment of individual librarians. Professional judgment and expertise is based on an understanding of user needs and knowledge of both authors and publishers. Reviews from professional, specialized and general periodicals, in addition to standard lists of basic works, are also consulted as part of the selection process. The library acquires materials in a variety of formats and will select materials in the media most appropriate to their efficient use. In some circumstances the same work may be acquired in more than one format; for example, hardback, paperback, large print and audio and digital versions of popular titles are often purchased to meet patron demand. Expanding areas of knowledge, changing social values, technological advances, and cultural differences require flexibility, open-mindedness, and responsiveness in the evaluation and re-evaluation of all library materials. Material will not be excluded or included because of the race, nationality, or the political or religious views of the writer. In order to build collections of merit, materials will be considered according to the general criteria listed below. General Criteria for the Evaluation of Library Materials Reputation and/or significance of the author, producer, performer Suitability of subject and style for intended audience Relation to existing collection and other material on the subject Suitability of physical format for library use Present and potential relevance to community interests Value of the resource in relation to its cost Appropriateness and effectiveness of medium to content Prizes, awards, or honors received Gift Policy The library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that items added to the collection must meet the same selection criteria as purchased materials. All gifts become the property of the library and will be used in the manner most beneficial to the library. Factors such as the physical condition of the material, the number of copies already in the collection, or the currency of the information contained in the item may prevent the addition of an item to the collection. The library retains the right to accept or reject gifts and to make all decisions as to their use, housing and final disposition. Gifts not added to the collection will be made available to the public, through the Friends of the Library Book Cellar, a used book shop located in the basement of the John Barton Payne building. (See library policy for gifts .) Patron Requests for Materials Library patrons may nominate books or other materials to be added to the collection. Requests are referred to Manager of Collection Services and the Youth Services Librarian at Warrenton who will apply the same selection criteria described above in determining what will be added to the collection. The library also provides several other mechanisms to facilitate community involvement in the selection process. These include active monitoring of holds or requests placed by patrons for specific titles, and a variety of questionnaires and surveys. Reconsideration The library recognizes that individuals may question library materials that do not support their tastes and views. Library staff is available to discuss concerns and to identify alternate materials that may be available. If concerns are not satisfied through a discussion with staff, a formal reconsideration of library materials may be requested. (See the library’s policy for reconsideration of library materials .) Collection Review The content of the present collection is continuously reviewed so that gaps in various subject areas, series of special interest and various formats may be filled, replacement of worn, damaged or outdated materials take place and unnecessary duplication may be avoided. Some materials that are withdrawn from the library collection may be offered for sale through various channels, such as in the library, at the Book Cellar, or through online resources. Adopted: 1/25/99 Revised: 4/15/99, 10/25/12

  • Local Authors

    Local Authors Whenever possible, the Fauquier County Public Library is pleased to recognize the literary efforts of local authors by including their works in the collection. However, these works must meet selection criteria and standards as detailed in the library’s material selection policy which include professional reviews, author qualifications, and community demand. The author is encouraged to provide any available professional reviews of the material. Reader reviews on online sites are not considered as part of the review process. For the purposes of this policy, “local authors” are defined as current residents of or property owners in Fauquier County, Virginia. In general, the Library does not collect self-published materials from non-Fauquier County residents. Attempts are made to acquire titles by local authors who are published by mainstream publishers. Titles that are self-published are not solicited unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Exceptions may be made for materials by local authors who create community interest by being featured in library or community sponsored programs, as well as those professionally reviewed or publicized via local media. Unsolicited materials must be accompanied by the Form for Consideration of Donated Works by Local Authors . The library is not able to purchase unsolicited materials. If a work is chosen for inclusion in the library’s collection, the library staff is under no obligation to purchase additional copies. If a donation is added to the collection, the library retains the right to make all decisions as to its use, housing and final disposition. The library bears no responsibility for marketing the author’s work. The library will not act as the author’s literary agent, reviewer, proofreader, publisher, editor, publicist or bookseller. All donated materials are considered gifts and become the property of the Fauquier County Public Library. If a donation is not selected for the collection, it will be made available to the public, through the Friends of the Fauquier Library Book Cellar. Adopted: 9/15/16

  • Events | Fauquier Library

    Multiple Dates Raising Readers Story Time Wed, Aug 28 Warrenton central library Aug 28, 2024, 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Aug 28, 2024, 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Longer stories, finger plays and songs. Learn more Multiple Dates Preschool Story Time Wed, Aug 28 Bealeton branch library Aug 28, 2024, 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM Bealeton branch library, North, 10877 Willow Dr, Bealeton, VA 22712, USA Aug 28, 2024, 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM Bealeton branch library, North, 10877 Willow Dr, Bealeton, VA 22712, USA Bring your little ones to story time - for children up to age 5. Learn more Multiple Dates Preschool Story Time Wed, Aug 28 John Marshall branch library Aug 28, 2024, 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM John Marshall branch library, 4133 Rectortown Rd, Marshall, VA 20115, USA Aug 28, 2024, 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM John Marshall branch library, 4133 Rectortown Rd, Marshall, VA 20115, USA Bring your little ones to story time - for children up to age 5. Learn more Multiple Dates Raising Readers Story Time Wed, Aug 28 Warrenton central library Aug 28, 2024, 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Aug 28, 2024, 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Longer stories, finger plays and songs. Learn more Multiple Dates The Naturalist Is In Wed, Aug 28 John Marshall branch library Aug 28, 2024, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM John Marshall branch library, 4133 Rectortown Rd, Marshall, VA 20115, USA Aug 28, 2024, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM John Marshall branch library, 4133 Rectortown Rd, Marshall, VA 20115, USA Speak with a Master Naturalist. Learn more Multiple Dates Non-Fiction Book Club Wed, Aug 28 John Barton Payne Building Aug 28, 2024, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM John Barton Payne Building, 2 Court House Sq, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Aug 28, 2024, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM John Barton Payne Building, 2 Court House Sq, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA If you love non-fiction and a lively discussion, this book club is for you. RSVP Book N' Craft Time Wed, Aug 28 Bealeton branch library Aug 28, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Bealeton branch library, North, 10877 Willow Dr, Bealeton, VA 22712, USA Aug 28, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Bealeton branch library, North, 10877 Willow Dr, Bealeton, VA 22712, USA Adults and teens do crafts and discuss all things books. Learn more Multiple Dates English-as-a-Second Language Class Wed, Aug 28 Warrenton central library Aug 28, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Aug 28, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Learn or improve your English language skills. Learn more Multiple Dates Art Cart Thu, Aug 29 Bealeton Aug 29, 2024, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM Bealeton, North, 10877 Willow Dr, Bealeton, VA 22712, USA Aug 29, 2024, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM Bealeton, North, 10877 Willow Dr, Bealeton, VA 22712, USA Express your creativity with our art supplies. Learn more Multiple Dates Art Cart Thu, Aug 29 Warrenton central library Aug 29, 2024, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Aug 29, 2024, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Express your creativity with our art supplies. Learn more Multiple Dates Tech Time @ the Library Thu, Aug 29 Warrenton central library Aug 29, 2024, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Aug 29, 2024, 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Demystify your device! Learn more Multiple Dates Book Cellar Open Fri, Aug 30 John Barton Payne Building (basement) Aug 30, 2024, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM John Barton Payne Building (basement), 2 Courthouse Sq., Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Aug 30, 2024, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM John Barton Payne Building (basement), 2 Courthouse Sq., Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Books, DVDs and more at unbeatable prices. Learn more Multiple Dates Book Cellar Open Sat, Aug 31 John Barton Payne Building (basement) Aug 31, 2024, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM John Barton Payne Building (basement), 2 Court House Sq, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Aug 31, 2024, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM John Barton Payne Building (basement), 2 Court House Sq, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Books, DVDs and more at unbeatable prices. Learn more All Fauquier Public Libraries Closed in Observance of Labor Day Mon, Sep 02 Warrenton central library Sep 02, 2024, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Sep 02, 2024, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Learn more Multiple Dates Tech Time @ the Library Tue, Sep 03 Warrenton central library Sep 03, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Sep 03, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Warrenton central library, 11 Winchester St, Warrenton, VA 20186, USA Demystify your device! Learn more STEAM for Tweens: Taste Test Tue, Sep 03 Virtual/On-Demand event Sep 03, 2024, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM Virtual/On-Demand event Sep 03, 2024, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM Virtual/On-Demand event Learn how our genes can determine whether we enjoy certain tastes. Learn more Art and Nature for Teens: CSA (Cook Something Awesome!) Tue, Sep 03 Bealeton Sep 03, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Bealeton, North, 10877 Willow Dr, Bealeton, VA 22712, USA Sep 03, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Bealeton, North, 10877 Willow Dr, Bealeton, VA 22712, USA Join Oak Spring Garden Foundation monthly for these special teen programs. Learn more Art and Nature for Kids: CSA (Cook Something Awesome) Tue, Sep 03 Bealeton branch library Sep 03, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Bealeton branch library, North, 10877 Willow Dr, Bealeton, VA 22712, USA Sep 03, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Bealeton branch library, North, 10877 Willow Dr, Bealeton, VA 22712, USA Join Oak Spring Garden Foundation monthly for these special programs for children. Learn more Load More August 2024 Today Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 29 10:00 AM Art Cart +5 more +6 more 30 10:00 AM Tech Time @ the Library +4 more +5 more 31 10:00 AM Crafts on the Go (All library locations) +5 more +6 more 1 10:00 AM Art Cart +1 more +2 more 2 10:00 AM Book Cellar Open +1 more 3 10:00 AM Book Cellar Open +3 more +4 more 4 5 10:00 AM Art Cart +1 more +2 more 6 6:00 PM Art & Nature for Teens: The par-TEA Cafe'! +1 more +2 more 7 2:00 PM Meet the Author, Dr. Jennifer Levasseur (Virtual/On-Demand) +1 more +2 more 8 10:00 AM Art Cart +1 more +2 more 9 10:00 AM Book Cellar Open +1 more +2 more 10 10:00 AM Book Cellar Open +1 more 11 2:00 PM Paws to Read with K-9 Caring Angels +1 more 12 Day (1/7) Teen Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +2 more +3 more 13 Day (2/7) Teen Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +5 more +6 more 14 Day (3/7) Teen Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +6 more +7 more 15 Day (4/7) Teen Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +6 more +7 more 16 Day (5/7) Teen Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +2 more +3 more 17 Day (6/7) Teen Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +2 more +3 more 18 Day (7/7) Teen Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +2 more +3 more 19 Day (1/7) Adult Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +2 more +3 more 20 Day (2/7) Adult Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +4 more +5 more 21 Day (3/7) Adult Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +5 more +6 more 22 Day (4/7) Adult Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +4 more +5 more 23 Day (5/7) Adult Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +2 more +3 more 24 Day (6/7) Adult Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +2 more +3 more 25 Day (7/7) Adult Be a Maker (BAM) Cart +2 more +3 more 26 10:00 AM Art Cart +5 more +6 more 27 10:00 AM Tech Time @ the Library +1 more 28 10:30 AM Raising Readers Story Time +7 more +8 more 29 10:00 AM Art Cart +2 more +3 more 30 10:00 AM Book Cellar Open +1 more 31 10:00 AM Book Cellar Open +1 more 1 2 10:00 AM All Fauquier Public Libraries Closed in Observance of Labor Day +1 more 3 10:00 AM Tech Time @ the Library +3 more +4 more 4 10:30 AM Raising Readers Story Time +4 more +5 more 5 10:00 AM Art Cart +2 more +3 more 6 10:00 AM Book Cellar Open +1 more 7 10:00 AM Book Cellar Open +1 more 8 2:00 PM Paws to Read with K-9 Caring Angels +1 more

  • Bookends at the Warrenton Fall Festival | Fauquier Library

    Fauquier County Public Library and The Open Book are pleased to co-host BOOKENDS at the Warrenton Fall Festival on Saturday, October 5, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Booths at either end of Main Street – in front of The Open Book and the John Barton Payne Building – will give local authors an opportunity to discuss and sell their work during one of Warrenton’s busiest days. ​ Online applications will be accepted 9 a.m. August 1 through 5 p.m. August 31, 2024 or until full. Questions? Contact Natalie Damewood at Fauquier Public Library or . ​ BOOKENDS at the Warrenton Fall Festival promises to be a celebration of local talent and reading! ​ Ways and Means ​ The library and The Open Book will provide space and author name tags. Authors are responsible for providing their own tables, chairs, tents, decorations, table coverings, book easels, pamphlets, bookmarks, etc. Authors are responsible for setting up and tearing down their own booth. Only those authors who have received confirmation of participation from the library or The Open Book will be permitted to set up, display or sell their materials. Only materials directly related to an author’s published works may be sold or displayed. All sales will be made directly through participating authors, who will provide books to sell, money box (including change), receipts, etc. Any taxes, if applicable, will be the responsibility of the authors. ​ ​ ​ Author space is limited; the number of the author requests far exceeds the number of available spaces. Please register early. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Author Registration

  • Interlibrary Loan Guidelines

    Interlibrary Loan Guidelines Interlibrary loan (ILL) requests will be accepted from patrons who are residents, work, attend school, or own property in Fauquier County. Patrons who have paid out-of-county fees for library cards may also make ILL requests. Patrons who use the library as reciprocal borrowers must place ILL requests at their “home” library in the county/town where they reside. ILL requests will be accepted at the reference desk, by telephone, or electronically through the Fauquier County Public Library Web site. Patrons must place the ILL request with a valid, 10-digit permanent Fauquier County Library Card number. The library will neither request nor lend material on ILL that is in current and/or in recurring demand. Materials that are considered fragile or rare will not be requested or loaned. Requests to borrow or lend audio visual materials, duplicates of titles already owned, or material that can be inexpensively copied from library holdings will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Patrons are responsible for a $3 postage charge for each successfully filled ILL request. This charge must be paid when picking up the item. The library will make no more than five (5) requests per patron at any one time. The Fauquier County Public Library card that was used to initiate the ILL request and a signature of the requestor is required before the material will be released. A parental signature for patrons under 18 will also be required. Requests to renew materials received through ILL must be made in time to reach the lending library before the initial due date of the material. An overdue fee of $0.25 (cents) per day per loan will be charged. Patrons are responsible for charges or fines imposed by the lending library. If a patron does not wish to borrow an item on which charges are imposed, it must be stipulated when the request is made. Lost or damaged material must be paid for in full by the requesting patron according to the price set by the lending library.

  • Policies | Fauquier Library

    Policies Access to Services Hours of Operation View Policy Library Locations Learn More Use of Materials Registration of Patrons ​ View Policy Registration of Temporary Patrons View Policy Interlibrary Loan View Policy Fines and Recovery of Overdue Materials View Policy Registration of Institutions, Businesses, Corporations View Policy Reciprocal Borrowing Privileges View Policy Guidelines for Interlibrary Loan Guidelines Use of Library Facilities Library Programs View Policy Exhibits and Display Cases View Policy Petitions, Surveys and Solicitation View Policy Confidentiality of Library Patron Records View Policy Naming of Libraries View Policy Public Information View Policy Community Partnerships View Policy Photography and Videography View Policy Meeting Rooms View Policy Distribution of Free Materials View Policy Library Facilities' Grounds View Policy Privacy View Policy Gifts View Policy Social Networking Website View Policy Unclaimed Property & Lost and Found View Policy Use of Information & Technology Services Reference View Policy Internet Use View Policy Fax Services View Policy Group Visits View Policy Computer Workstations View Policy Personnel & Employment Practices Friends of the Library View Policy Volunteers View Policy Personnel View Policy Patron Conduct Library Behavior View Policy Suspension of Library Privileges View Policy Resource Selection Local Authors View Policy Materials Selection View Policy Criteria for Adding Links to Library Website View Policy Local Government Documents View Policy Reconsideration of Library Materials View Policy

  • Bookmarks | Fauquier Library

    Bookmarks bookmarks is the library’s monthly electronic newsletter featuring a message from the director; featured programs for adults, teens and children; and best bets for reading, watching and learning. ​ Don’t get bookmarks ? Subscribe below and start receiving it in your inbox each month. ​ Already a subscriber? Manage your bookmarks subscription here . ​

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