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91 items found for ""

  • Personnel

    Personnel The Fauquier County Public Library is a Fauquier County government agency. All employment practices and personnel services are coordinated through the county human resources department. The Fauquier County Public Library supports and adheres to all laws and policies dealing with equal employment opportunity, the Civil Rights Acts, the Americans with Disabilities Act, fair employment practices, and other federal, state, and local legislation concerned with employment and hiring practices. The library employee handbook, given to all new employees, provides information about additional policies pertaining to library personnel practices. Adopted: 9/7/83 Revised: 6/4/87, 6/2/88, 9/17/92, 9/17/98, 3/20/08

  • How technology can help curb attention disorders | Fauquier Library

    < Back How technology can help curb attention disorders Sarah Jones Mar 19, 2023 This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. Want to view and manage all your collections? Click on the Content Manager button in the Add panel on the left. Here, you can make changes to your content, add new fields, create dynamic pages and more. Your collection is already set up for you with fields and content. Add your own content or import it from a CSV file. Add fields for any type of content you want to display, such as rich text, images, and videos. Be sure to click Sync after making changes in a collection, so visitors can see your newest content on your live site. Previous Next

  • Fax Services

    Fax Services The Fauquier County Public Library may provide telefacsimile (fax) services at branch libraries when it is not readily available in the surrounding community. Fax transmission may be available during operating hours, staff time permitting. Library services take priority over fax requests. The library will only send faxes; it will not receive faxes. Faxes will not be sent to international numbers, including Canada and Mexico. A minimal fee is charged for the service. Operation of the fax machine is restricted to library staff. Patrons are expected to remain in the library while staff is faxing their document(s). Any fax documents left at the library after 24 hours will be destroyed if no claim is made to them. Transmission errors are common and print quality is variable and not controllable by the library. The library does not guarantee delivery; patrons are responsible for ensuring their fax was received by the other party even if the library’s fax machine reports a successful transmission. The library is not responsible for any damage, loss of data or consequential damage arising out of use of this service. The library reserves the right to refuse to fax documents. The confidentiality of patrons’ fax documents will be safeguarded according to the library’s policy on privacy. Adopted: 4/20/17

  • Distribution of Free Materials

    Distribution of Free Materials Items that publicize community organizations and local events further the role of the library as the central source for civic, cultural, educational, and recreational information. Display space is available for community organizations to disseminate information. Posters and flyers displayed on the bulletin board may be no larger than 8½ inches x 14 inches. Bulletin boards may not be used for personal or commercial advertisements. Items may be displayed for a maximum of one month. Library staff will remove items that have expired or that have been posted for one month. Items removed will be discarded; library staff can not return posters and flyers that have been displayed. Items that may be distributed include flyers, brochures, leaflets, newspapers, and pamphlets that provide information about non-profit civic, educational, cultural, or recreational organizations and events. Materials that promote programs or projects of a personal or commercial nature may not be distributed in the library. Items may be distributed for as long as they are valid. If space becomes limited, preference will be given to items of a timely nature and to organizations or groups that have not recently distributed items. Literature related to political campaigns will be distributed for thirty days preceding an election. All items for posting or distribution must be presented to the library director for approval; library staff will date and place items on the bulletin board or in the information rack. Distribution or posting of items by the library does not indicate endorsement of the issues, events, or services promoted by those materials. Items left or posted without approval will be removed and discarded. Adopted: 2/17/05

  • Reconsideration of Library Materials

    Reconsideration of Library Materials Library patrons may nominate books or other materials to be either added to or removed from the collection. The Fauquier County Public Library Board supports intellectual freedom and subscribes to the principles of the American Library Association Library Bill of Rights . The library staff applies the criteria described in the Library Bill of Rights and its adopted Materials Selection Policy to provide books and materials that reflect the diversity of viewpoints within the community. The Library Board recognizes that individuals may question library materials that do not support their tastes and views. Library staff is available to discuss concerns and to identify alternate materials that may be available. If concerns are not satisfied through a discussion with staff, a formal reconsideration of library materials may be requested. The Board has adopted guidelines for the formal reconsideration of library materials. These guidelines ensure that questions about specific items in the collection are handled in an attentive and consistent manner. A patron submitting a reconsideration request must be a resident of Fauquier County and hold a valid borrower’s card. The library will take appropriate action to ensure that the material in question will remain in the collection and available to patrons during the reconsideration process. The completed decision on the reconsideration of a specific title will remain in effect for three years. Adopted: 1/25/99 Revised: 4/15/99, 1/20/00, 3/16/11

  • AUTHOR TALKS COMING IN JANUARY, 2024 | Fauquier Library

    < Back AUTHOR TALKS COMING IN JANUARY, 2024 ​ Dec 29, 2023 ​ Rebecca Serle, One Italian SummerWednesday, Jan. 10 | 8 p.m. Register Join us as we kick off the New Year talking to Rebecca Serle about her journey writing epic love stories to span generations. We’ll chat with the author about her New York Times bestselling novels, One Italian Summer , In Five Years , The Dinner List and many more. Additionally, in a special preview, Serle will briefly discuss her forthcoming novel (due out on March 5, 2024) Expiration Dates . Daphne Bell believes the universe has a plan for her. Every time she meets a new man, she receives a slip of paper with his name and a number on it—the exact amount of time they will be together. The papers told her she’d spend three days with Martin in Paris; five weeks with Noah in San Francisco; and three months with Hugo, her ex-boyfriend turned best friend. Daphne has been receiving the numbered papers for over twenty years, always wondering when there might be one without an expiration. Finally, on the night of a blind date at her favorite Los Angeles restaurant, there’s only a name: Jake. Expiration Dates is the one fans have been waiting for. Start your year with love and register now! Rajiv Nagaich, Your Retirement: Dream or Disaster? How to Avoid the Hidden Traps in Retirement Planning AdviceTuesday, Jan. 23 | 2 p.m. Register Learn how to avoid the hidden traps in retirement planning advice! Did you know that a large financial portfolio, an estate plan, and long-term care insurance won’t be enough to prevent your dream retirement from becoming a disaster in the United States? Or do you know someone forced into institutional care after a health crisis, lost assets due to unplanned medical and long-term care costs, or who became a burden on loved ones? According to Elder Law Attorney Rajiv Nagaich and author of Your Retirement: Dream or Disaster , these results are called “retirement plan failure.” Over his 20-plus years of experience in United States elder law, Rajiv has developed a step-by-step guide to retirement planning by connecting the various dots of the retirement planning process. The LifePlanning approach is a system that brings together legal, financial, and housing issues into a coordinated effort that can work to make sure you don’t end up being forced into institutionalized care, going broke, and being a burden on your family. In this enlightening and informative webinar, Rajiv explains why “retirement plan failure” happens and how you can keep it from happening to you. To avoid the hidden traps in retirement planning, register now! Dr. Robert Lustig, Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern MedicineTuesday, Jan. 30 | 2 p.m. Register Launch your New Year healthy with Dr. Robert Lustig, a pediatric neuroendocrinologist who has long been on the cutting edge of medicine and science. Dr. Lustig’s book, Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern Medicine , weaves the interconnected strands of nutrition, health/disease, medicine, environment, and society into a completely new fabric by proving on a scientific basis a series of iconoclastic revelations, among them: Medicine for chronic disease treats symptoms, not the disease itself You can diagnose your own biochemical profile Chronic diseases are not “druggable,” but they are “foodable” Processed food isn’t just toxic, it’s addictive The war between vegan and keto is a false war—the combatants are on the same side Big Food, Big Pharma, and Big Government are on the other side Dr. Lustig insists that if we do not fix our food and change the way we eat, we will continue to court chronic disease, bankrupt healthcare, and threaten the planet. But there is hope: his book and this webinar explain what’s needed to fix all three. Dr. Lustig offers a doable plan to heal and restore our health and well-being and, in the process, boost our immunity to viruses like Covid-19. Meet the Author is sponsored by Friends of the Fauquier Library and made possible through the Library Speaker’s Consortium. Two to three programs are offered each month. Register for these author talks and check out other Meet the Author events online . All programs will also be available for on-demand viewing following the event. Previous Next

  • Social Networking Website

    Social Networking Website Fauquier County Public Library uses several social networking websites to inform patrons and to encourage community involvement in the library. In keeping with the library’s public information plan, the social networking websites are used by staff to provide information on library services, resources, and programs. Patrons are invited to share opinions about library-related subjects and issues. These comments may be used to evaluate current and to plan future programs. Patron comments posted to library-sponsored websites will be reviewed prior to publishing. Patrons are expected to follow the basic rules of civility: comments may not be obscene, defamatory, or threatening. Library staff reserves the right to edit or remove any comment that is deemed inappropriate or not related to the discussion to which it is attached. By using this service, patrons agree to abide by the library social networking policy. Adopted: 11/20/08 Revised: 9/24/09

  • MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR: JANUARY 2024 | Fauquier Library

    < Back MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR: JANUARY 2024 Maria Del Rosso Jan 12, 2024 ​ “If you build it, they will come.” On December 18, 2003, the Bealeton branch library opened its doors to the southern Fauquier community. A beautiful building, the 10,000 sq. ft. library took its architectural cues from the “roofy” Bealeton depot that a few years later would serve as its meeting room. From that December day 20 years ago, the branch library has served as the hub of the community. Folks have gathered to light a community Christmas tree, visit with Santa and marvel at the intricate trains as part of the Piedmont Railroaders exhibition. We have hosted youngsters for story hour, National Honor Society tutors, people seeking their GED or learning English as a second language. Older Wiser Learners (OWLS) have gathered to discuss a myriad of topics and share fellowship. And through it all we have checked out thousands of books, magazines, CDs and DVDs. Join us the week of January 22-28 as we mark this important milestone. There will be activities for children and historical displays of the library’s construction. An open house on January 24 will feature a 20-year book display and children’s crafts. Of course, refreshments will be served. Now about that Field of Dreams quote. It should be “If you build, he will come.” But for our purposes, it works for the message this month. We built it and they sure came. Maria Del Rosso Director, Fauquier Public Library Previous Next

  • Privacy

    Privacy The Fauquier County Public Library respects every patron’s right to privacy. Personal information is collected to the extent necessary to provide the service or benefit desired and is only used for the express purposes for which it is intended. The library does not give, share, sell or transfer personal information to a third party without the owner’s permission or unless required by law. The library may collect and store information by use of “cookies” or other measures to evaluate and enhance the use of its website or other digital offerings. This data is collected in aggregate; individual patron use of the website is not examined. Digital services may be licensed by third parties to provide convenience and services to library patrons. These services include, but are not limited to, online databases, digital content such as e-books and e-magazines, summer reader registration, PC reservation, e-newsletters and social media. These third party services may require patrons to validate themselves as a Fauquier County Public Library cardholder; in those instances, the library releases only information that authenticates the user. Because third party digital services are not exclusively operated or controlled by Fauquier County Public Library, the library recommends patrons read the privacy policies/statements of these third-party vendors. Links to governmental, educational and community organizations from the library’s website do not constitute endorsement of these sites. Library privacy policies and procedures do not apply to any external links. The library encourages patrons to read the privacy policies of all sites, especially if personal information is shared. The Fauquier County Public Library is not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury that may result from use of the Library’s website and online services. Adopted: 7/17/08 Revised: 1/15/15 Reviewed: 4/20/21

  • Holidays & Closings | Fauquier Library

    Holidays & Closings Fauquier County libraries observe most federal and state holidays. ​ During inclement weather, the library closes when county offices close. Weekday closures are announced on network television stations, many radio stations and on the county website . On weekends and evenings, call (540) 422-8500 to confirm the library’s planned hours of operation. Up to the minute closings can also be found on our Facebook page . ​ Scheduled holiday closings - 2024: ​ Monday, January 1 (New Year’s Day) Monday, January 15 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) Monday, February 19 (President’s Day) Sunday, March 31 (Easter) Monday, May 27 (Memorial Day) Wednesday, June 19 (Juneteenth) Thursday, July 4 (Independence Day) Monday, September 2 (Labor Day) Monday, October 14 (Columbus Day) Monday, November 11 (Veterans' Day) Wednesday, November 27 - close @ noon Thursday, November 28 (Thanksgiving) Friday, November 29 Tuesday, December 24 (Christmas Eve) Wednesday, December 25 (Christmas Day)

  • Long-term benefits of clean energy sources | Fauquier Library

    < Back Long-term benefits of clean energy sources Kim Jennings Mar 20, 2023 This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. Want to view and manage all your collections? Click on the Content Manager button in the Add panel on the left. Here, you can make changes to your content, add new fields, create dynamic pages and more. Your collection is already set up for you with fields and content. Add your own content or import it from a CSV file. Add fields for any type of content you want to display, such as rich text, images, and videos. Be sure to click Sync after making changes in a collection, so visitors can see your newest content on your live site. Previous Next

  • My account | Fauquier Library

    Checkouts Checkout Title Checkout Type Due Date: Checkout Due Date Checkout Title Checkout Type Due Date: Checkout Due Date Checkout Title Checkout Type Due Date: Checkout Due Date Holds Title Hold Type Hold ends on: Hold Due Date Pick up at Hold Pick Up Location Title Hold Type Hold ends on: Hold Due Date Pick up at Hold Pick Up Location Title Hold Type Hold ends on: Hold Due Date Pick up at Hold Pick Up Location Fines Fine Amount Fine Description Charge Creation Date: January 1st, 2024 Fine Title Fine Item Type. Fine Amount Fine Decription Charge Creation Date: January 1st, 2024 Fine Title Fine Item Type. Fine Amount Fine Description Charge Creation Date: January 1st, 2024 Fine Title Fine Item Type. Overview Profile Patron email Home Library Main Branch Checkouts 0 Holds 0 Go to Discover Dashboard My Account First Name Patron First Name Phone Number Patron Phone Number Email Address Patron Email Address

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