According to an expert interviewed by CR: “The safest cars don’t just protect passengers in a crash. They may avoid a crash in the first place.” The cars rated in this article are engineered to be safer, designed to absorb impacts, and their seatbelts and airbags do more to protect occupants during an accident. In addition, they carry “Advanced Driver Assistance Systems” which warn drivers of hazards around the vehicle when it is in motion. These systems can even detect pedestrians near the vehicle and can automatically begin breaking if you don’t respond in time. If you’re in the market for a new car, be sure to read up on the safest cars you can buy to see if your favorite cars are on the list.
“CRs Guide to Getting Rid of Bad Smells” offers some great tips on how to eliminate odors in your home. No matter what the source, CR has it covered: pets, hampers, mustiness, mildew, food odors, bathrooms... there’s a solution for each of these. On the more expensive end you may need a dehumidifier or carpet cleaner, but CR also suggests some fairly inexpensive “stink stoppers” to put an end to your household odor problems. Something as simple as a box of baking soda might do the trick!
Will you have enough money in retirement? CR raises seven questions commonly asked by those who are contemplating retirement or wondering how best to invest their savings during retirement. In “Keep Your Money Safe For Life” CR examines investments that will give you a “shot at staying ahead of inflation.” They also help you consider ways to adjust your budget or standard of living to reduce expenses. Need cash to pay an unanticipated bill? Learn about “3 Ways to Get Cash Now” in retirement when it isn’t a good idea to take on additional debt.
Other Products List:
Put Out a Fire – Fast (Fire Extinguishers)
Never Forget Your Meds
The Best Garbage Bags
What Does 100 Calories of Halloween Candy Look Like?
Reduce Your Water Bill
The Right Pan for Every Meal
Consumer Reports magazine is available free in print and online to Fauquier Public Library card holders, providing access to articles, reviews and ratings on over 8,000 products and services. The library has copies of Consumer Reports dating back to 2022.
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