Read. Shop. Buy smart.

Can you save money by switching from cable to live TV streaming services? Consider the kinds of programs each provides then compare the costs for these streaming services to your current cable bill to see if you should switch. Before cutting the cord, however, CR suggests that talking to someone in your cable provider’s “retention department” to see if you can negotiate for a better price.
When spending time outside this summer, don’t forget the sunscreen. “Why You Still Need Sunscreen” is a great product update with ratings for many popular brands. Do you want a chemical or mineral based sunscreen? There’s even a “Green Choice” and information on how to get “Great Protection for Less.” Flip ahead and read the article on how to “Stay Cool Even in Extreme Heat” for tips on how to deal with summer power outages, devices that will help keep you cool, and even reminders about simple things to stay safe in the heat.
Whether you are inside or outside during these hot summer days granola can be a healthy snack to have along… if you know what to look for. CR notes that granola has long had a “bad rap because of the fat, sugar and calories it contains.” There are, however, healthy options. See ratings for “The Best and Worst Granola.”
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Consumer Reports magazine is available free in print and online to Fauquier Public Library card holders, providing access to articles, reviews and ratings on over 8,000 products and services. The library has copies of Consumer Reports dating back to 2022.
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