In this double issue you’ll find some great information about health and fitness, right on time for making a solid start on your New Year’s resolutions … this time around.
Read “The Way to Stay Fit at Home” for a very helpful product update that explains how to safely and effectively use the gym equipment on the market today. The article explains equipment for use at home as well as equipment for “The Full Gym Experience.” It includes ratings for some of the most popular gym equipment such as: exercise bikes, ellipticals, and rowers.
Achieving or sustaining a good healthy diet may be high on your list of resolutions. A close second might be learning how to use “Natural Cures” to avoid costly doctor’s office visits. Citing record high interest in this topic based on statistics gathered in 2022, CR is here to help you learn about nontraditional treatments. They explain “Which Ones Work (and Which Don’t). If you suffer from back pain, achy joints, sleep problems, heart issues or just the occasional cold and flu or digestive problem, check out this article to understand options for natural cures. The article includes sidebar tips on “How to Pick a High-Quality Supplement,” “How to Find a ‘Natural’ Healthcare Pro,” and “Risky Remedies to Avoid.”
If you aren’t planning to give up using a cell phone in 2025, learn how to save money on service. CR offers advice on how to “Save $500 on Cell Service This Year.” According to statistics on cell phone use, the average American “shells out $135 a month” for service. Find out if you can “Save Without Switching.” If you do need to switch, find out how to “Get the Best Deal for You.” This article includes ratings for some cell service providers and points out that “Smaller Can Be Better.”
Other Products / Services
How to Find a Great Home Health Aide
The Truth About Energy Bars
Your Healthy Teeth Toolkit
What to do if You Buy a DUD
CR’s Ultimate Guide to Laundry (Washing Machine and Dryer Ratings)
Consumer Reports magazine is available free in print and online to Fauquier Public Library card holders, providing access to articles, reviews and ratings on over 8,000 products and services. The library has copies of Consumer Reports dating back to 2022.
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