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Back to School Tools


Heading back to school? Whether you have a rising kindergartener or a college student, your library card provides access to tools to ensure success in the classroom.

Brainfuse Help Now This all-in-one suite of tutoring services provides a wide range of support. With Help Now you can:

* Get help with homework

* Interact with a live tutor

* Form online study groups

* Send your paper to the writing lab to get valuable feedback

* Access free lessons and resources for numerous K-12+ academic subjects

Confidently tackle your next research paper. Bloom's Literature provides coverage of the most frequently studied authors and their works.  JSTOR goes beyond literature to include mathematics, political science, history, and more. Both provide complete, curated content you can trust.

Encyclopedias are a good starting point for virtually any research project.  These easy-to-use,  trusted sources are filled with timelines, articles and primary sources for students of all ages.


Biography In Context This authoritative reference tool provides biographical information on a wide array of historically significant figures and present-day newsmakers and covers figures from business, government, law, education, sports, music, and entertainment, as well as literature and scientific research.

Opposing Viewpoints In Context and Issues & Controversies Hone your critical thinking skills as you prepare for a class debate with Opposing Viewpoints In Context or Issues & Controversies. These free tools encourage student reflection and will spark dynamic class discussion.


These and other resources are available resources are available free with your library card.



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