The Fauquier County Public Library respects every patron’s right to privacy. Personal information is collected to the extent necessary to provide the service or benefit desired and is only used for the express purposes for which it is intended. The library does not give, share, sell or transfer personal information to a third party without the owner’s permission or unless required by law.
The library may collect and store information by use of “cookies” or other measures to evaluate and enhance the use of its website or other digital offerings. This data is collected in aggregate; individual patron use of the website is not examined.
Digital services may be licensed by third parties to provide convenience and services to library patrons. These services include, but are not limited to, online databases, digital content such as e-books and e-magazines, summer reader registration, PC reservation, e-newsletters and social media. These third party services may require patrons to validate themselves as a Fauquier County Public Library cardholder; in those instances, the library releases only information that authenticates the user. Because third party digital services are not exclusively operated or controlled by Fauquier County Public Library, the library recommends patrons read the privacy policies/statements of these third-party vendors.
Links to governmental, educational and community organizations from the library’s website do not constitute endorsement of these sites. Library privacy policies and procedures do not apply to any external links. The library encourages patrons to read the privacy policies of all sites, especially if personal information is shared.
The Fauquier County Public Library is not responsible for any loss, damage, or injury that may result from use of the Library’s website and online services.
Adopted: 7/17/08
Revised: 1/15/15
Reviewed: 4/20/21