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Internet Use

The Fauquier County Public Library provides hard-wired and wireless access to the Internet. As required by state law, a protection measure (filter) is used to monitor Internet access. Patrons may request to have the filter removed if bona fide research is hampered. Parental permission is required for minors under 18 who wish to use unfiltered access to the Internet.

Patrons may use library devices to access the Internet or their own wireless-enabled laptop computers. The library staff is not able to provide technical assistance for patron-owned devices and cannot guarantee that patrons will be able to make a wireless connection. The library assumes no responsibility for patrons’ equipment.

The library cannot guarantee that information on the Internet is accurate. The library is responsible only for the information provided on its website. Access points and links to information resources on the library’s website are selected by library staff and are checked regularly to ensure that they remain valid and consistent with the mission of the library.

Staff will conduct Internet searches when warranted as part of the library’s reference and information services. If requested, staff will assist patrons in conducting searches and offer guidance on evaluating sources and verifying information. Library staff can only provide limited assistance in teaching patrons how to use the Internet. The library will occasionally offer short introductory classes to familiarize patrons with the basics of Internet searching.

Patrons using the library-provided Internet connection may not display text or graphics defined by federal or state law as obscenity or pornography. Actions that violate federal, state, or local laws will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Actions that violate this policy will also result in the loss of some or all library privileges. U.S. copyright law governs unauthorized use or distribution of copyrighted materials. Users may not copy or distribute electronic materials, except as permitted by the Fair Use regulation (Title 17, U.S. Code) without permission of the copyright owner.

By logging on to the Internet, patrons agree to abide by the library Internet policy.

Adopted: 3/20/97
Revised: 12/17/98, 12/9/99, 1/20/00, 11/16/00, 11/15/01, 4/15/04, 4/26/07, 11/20/08, 1/20/11, 3/14/19, 4/25/19

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