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Interlibrary Loan Guidelines

  1. Interlibrary loan (ILL) requests will be accepted from patrons who are residents, work, attend school, or own property in Fauquier County. Patrons who have paid out-of-county fees for library cards may also make ILL requests. Patrons who use the library as reciprocal borrowers must place ILL requests at their “home” library in the county/town where they reside.

  2. ILL requests will be accepted at the reference desk, by telephone, or electronically through the Fauquier County Public Library Web site. Patrons must place the ILL request with a valid, 10-digit permanent Fauquier County Library Card number.

  3. The library will neither request nor lend material on ILL that is in current and/or in recurring demand. Materials that are considered fragile or rare will not be requested or loaned. Requests to borrow or lend audio visual materials, duplicates of titles already owned, or material that can be inexpensively copied from library holdings will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

  4. Patrons are responsible for a $3 postage charge for each successfully filled ILL request.  This charge must be paid when picking up the item.

  5. The library will make no more than five (5) requests per patron at any one time.

  6. The Fauquier County Public Library card that was used to initiate the ILL request and a signature of the requestor is required before the material will be released. A parental signature for patrons under 18 will also be required.

  7. Requests to renew materials received through ILL must be made in time to reach the lending library before the initial due date of the material.

  8. An overdue fee of $0.25 (cents) per day per loan will be charged.

  9. Patrons are responsible for charges or fines imposed by the lending library. If a patron does not wish to borrow an item on which charges are imposed, it must be stipulated when the request is made.

  10. Lost or damaged material must be paid for in full by the requesting patron according to the price set by the lending library.

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