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Hours of Operation

The Fauquier County Public Library will be open a minimum of 61 hours per week at the Warrenton and Bealeton branches and 49 hours per week at the John Marshall branch. The Library Board will determine days and daily hours of operation.

The library will close on holidays established by the Fauquier County Board of Supervisors and at other times deemed necessary by the library director with the approval of the Library Board. Except in cases of emergencies, notice of closing will be posted in the library two weeks in advance and will be reported to the local news media.

Regularly scheduled hours of operation will be established to best meet the needs of library users and will be evaluated by survey and/or public input on a regular basis.

Adopted: 11/20/03
Revised: 2/17/05, 3/19/09, 7/21/10, 7/20/11, 5/17/12

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