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Friends of the Library

The Library Board recognizes the Friends of the Library as vital in supporting and promoting the library’s mission, goals, services, and resources. Friends also foster public support for the development of the library. Whereas, Library Board sets policy and establishes the goals of the library; the Friends of the Fauquier Library supports the policy and assists the Board in reaching its goals. It is the responsibility of the Library Board to work closely with Friends, to keep them informed about library service and to seek their assistance in achieving the best possible library service for the citizens of Fauquier County.

The Friends of the Fauquier Library sets its own purposes consistent with the needs of the library. Cooperative projects for the benefit of the library are encouraged, provided no project compromises the Library Board’s responsibility for library policy and management. Cooperative projects should be selected by the library director, in consultation with the Friends board of directors for their appropriateness in meeting current need, practicality, and conformance to the policies of the Library Board.

The library director or designated representative serves as the principal liaison between the Library Board and the board of directors of the Friends organization. Friends meetings should be held at least annually to plan and define projects which would be most beneficial to the library’s purposes.

The Library Board and library employees are encouraged to lend active support to the work of the Friends through membership and participation in Friends activities.

Friends of the Library is self-supporting, holding meetings, electing officers, and maintaining its own financial records governed by by-laws.

Adopted: 6/4/87
Revised: 6/2/88, 9/17/92, 3/16/11

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