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Computer Workstations

Within the constraints of library priorities, financial capabilities, and availability of space, the Fauquier County Public Library provides devices that allow access to databases, the Internet, word processing, and data management software. The library reserves the right to limit, restrict, or extend computer workstation privileges. Misuse or unauthorized use of library devices by patrons will result in revocation of library privileges.

Devices are provided for public use. Library staff provides limited assistance for basic start-up procedures but cannot offer in-depth personal instruction in the use of a device or software applications. Instructional materials and online tutorials are available to help with some software applications. Occasionally basic classes may be held for the public. In general, library staff act as helpers, facilitators, or guides.

Library devices may be networked. Patrons may not use the network for any illegal activity. Unauthorized entry into other device, information, or communication services or other resources is not allowed. Patrons may not distribute unsolicited advertising or invade the privacy of others using library devices.

Patrons may not use their own hardware with or software on library devices. Users may not save or copy files on the hard drives of library devices. Only library-approved storage devices may be attached to library devices. Patrons may not tamper with or reconfigure computer equipment, software, or data belonging to the library.

The Fauquier County Public Library complies with the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code). Unauthorized copying of computer software is an infringement of that law and is not allowed on library devices. Automatic suspension of device privileges will result from non-compliance with copyright law or any other provisions of the policy.

Adopted: 1/20/05
Revised: 7/18/05, 3/14/19

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