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Department Contacts

E-Mail Us

Use our Contact the Library online form to e-mail us your suggestions and/or concerns. If you wish to speak to a staff member directly, please see our department contacts listed below:



(540) 422-8500 ext. 4


Bealeton Depot Rental

(540) 422-8530 or e-mail Bealeton Manager


Board of Trustees

(540) 422-8500 ext. 4 or e-mail us


Book Cellar

(540) 341-3447


Circulation/Customer Service

(540) 422-8500 ext. 1 or e-mail us



(540) 422-8504 or e-mail Collection Development


John Barton Payne Rental

(540) 422-8500 – ext. 4 or e-mail us


Purchase Suggestions

Fill out a purchase suggestion form



(540) 422-8500 ext. 2 or e-mail us



(540) 422-8502 or fill out an application


Youth Services

(540) 422-8500 ext. 3 or e-mail us

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