Computers & Wi-Fi
All library locations offer free public computers with Internet access as well as wireless (Wi-Fi); for at-home use, we also offer Internet to Go.
Users agree to abide by the library’s Computer Workstation and Internet Use policies. You can request a copy of these policies from library staff.
Public Computers
Use your library card to log on to/reserve a computer; Not eligible for a card? A guest pass will be issued with photo ID.
Use of the public computers is limited to 120 minutes a day.
Library software includes Microsoft Office 2016.
Patrons may not use their own hardware or software on library computer workstations.
Printing (black and white only) costs 15 cents/page — cash only
If you need to save files, use a USB storage device or a cloud storage application (Google Drive, Drop Box, etc.).
To protect your privacy, public computers use Deep Freeze to clear away any personal files – all files are cleared after each computer session.
In accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the library’s public computers are filtered.
If you’re not comfortable using a computer, you may want to consult the following resources:
Universal Class | – From Keyboarding 101 to coding, these in-depth courses have you covered; use in the library or access from home with your library card
DigitalLearn.org – Short (15 minutes or less) courses covering basic computer skills
GCF LearnFree.org – From the Goodwill Community Foundation, this site includes courses on Microsoft Office applications
TechBoomers – Free courses, videos and articles on how to use technology, social media sites, and web services
The public library wireless network name/SSIDs at all 3 locations is Public Library.
The library uses Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA); ask library staff for the password.
Printing (black and white only) costs 15 cents/page — cash only
Wireless access is provided to patrons as a public service free of charge on an “as-is” basis with no guarantee and no warranty.
The library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for laptop/device configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the library’s network.
If you have any questions about the compatibility of your equipment, please consult the product guide, the equipment manufacturer, or the place of purchase. We are unable to provide technical support for customer equipment.
In accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the library’s public wireless network is filtered.
Wireless Printing
Print from your phone, tablet, laptop, or home computer to the library’s printer!
SPOT Global Print allows users to send print jobs from any Internet-connected device to a Fauquier Public Library print release station.
SPOT Global Print is compatible with Android, iOS, Windows, macOS or Chrome OS. Any program or application that can print is supported — there are no file type restrictions and no need to convert documents to PDF or email personal files.
A library card or guest pass is not required to use this service. A random PIN will be assigned to claim your print job. You can generate a new PIN at any time or continue to use the one originally assigned.
Step 1:
Scan this QR code or go to https://www.libraricacloud.com/apps.html
Step 2:
Download the app for your Android or iOS device (example below). You can also download to your Windows, mac or Chromebook if you’d like to send a print job from your home computer.
Step 3:
In the app, select your SPOT Global Print pickup location and printer.
Select Pickup Location: Fauquier County Public Library (VA)
Select Printer: Warrenton Mobile, Bealeton Mobile or John Marshall Mobile
Step 4:
Open up the SPOT Global Print app if not already open and confirm the settings for pickup location and printer shown above.
Open the content on your mobile device that you want to print and access the Print option. The method varies slightly depending on the app you’re using. Typically, you’ll find the print option through an icon that resembles a small arrow pointing upwards or via the “Share button.” After you opt to Print, select the Warrenton Mobile, Bealeton Mobile or John Marshall Mobile printer and send/issue your job.
Step 5:
Go to the CASSIE print release station at your local branch and enter your SPOT Global Print PIN (ex. 65443929 in the illustration above). You will see your print job listed. Deposit the funds needed to print/release the print job. Printing (black and white only) costs 15 cents/page — cash only.
Print jobs are held for 24 hours.

Internet to Go
What is the Internet to Go service?
Patrons may check out a Kajeet SmartSpot, a filtered Wi-Fi hotspot that enables you to connect your mobile devices (e.g. laptop, smartphones, tablets, etc.) to the Internet. The Kajeet SmartSpots allow the Library to provide cost-effective educational broadband service to under-served populations. Library patrons can check out a Wi-Fi hotspot to complete homework assignments, apply for jobs or conduct business even in areas not served by hardwired broadband connections.
Where can I borrow the SmartSpot?
The SmartSpots can be borrowed from all three locations.
What SmartSpot is best for me?
Kajeet SmartSpots are available for the AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile 4G/LTE cellular networks. The mobile hotspot may not work in all areas – please view the coverage maps to confirm what device would be best for you:
· Verizon - View the coverage map here.
· T-Mobile – View the coverage map here.
· AT&T – View the coverage map here.
*While many smartphones run on 3G and 4G, if only 3G is available, the hotspot won’t connect, even though a smartphone will connect.
How many devices may I connect to a Kajeet Smartspot?
Up to eight (8) devices can connect simultaneously to a SmartSpot — keep in mind that they will all be sharing the same data.
Who may borrow a Kajeet Smartspot?
Adult cardholders (18+) with library cards in good standing
What are the rules?
One device per library card.
Devices check out for 21 days.
Devices may not be renewed.
Devices may be placed on hold – patrons have two (2) days to pick up the device once notified of its availability.
At checkout, patrons must present their library card and a valid (not expired) photo ID to library staff.
At checkout, patrons must complete and sign a loan agreement. Once a SmartSpot is checked out to the patron, it becomes the responsibility of the patron.
Device must be returned to the original borrowing location, and the loan agreement shall be completed.
Devices cannot be returned in book drops.
Devices are suspended/disabled once the due date has passed.
Access to streaming video sites/content and services that consume large amounts of bandwidth (ex. software updates) are blocked. Many smartphones, tablets, etc., have applications that download data in the background (ex. podcasts, Spotify, Apple News, etc.) over a cellular connection and will cause you to burn through your data. You may want to check your settings and disable the majority of your apps from using data over a cellular connection:
On iOS devices – Settings > Cellular; toggle off cellular access for all apps but the ones you need
On Android devices – Settings > Data Usage > Cellular Data Usage – select those apps you don’t need and disable background data
You may check your data use at any time at https://www.kajeet.com/sentinel/status.html. The Device Identifier number is required to check usage. That number is located on the Kajeet SmartSpot case.
Devices are filtered. Websites and services that violate the Library’s Internet Use Policy and/or exceed normal bandwidth consumption are blocked.
Fines & Fees
The overdue fine is $1.00 per day. Note: Devices are disabled once the due date has passed.
Damaged devices or parts will be charged at the cost of the part plus a $5 processing fee:
SmartSpot device: $125.00
SmartSpot Case: $10.00
USB charger: $5.00
USB cable (T41 devices only): $5.00
Best practices for use of the library’s mobile hotspots:
Use only approved charging cables, including the cable originally provided.
When not in use, power down/turn off your device.
When using the device, it is recommended to not keep the device plugged into a power source.
Place your device on a flat, solid and sturdy surface such as a floor or table.
Ensure your device is not covered and has proper ventilation.
Keep devices near room temperature when in use.
Do not expose the units to extreme temperatures for extended periods of time.
Do not expose the unit or its battery to water or other liquids.
Do not drop the units and do not insert foreign objects into the battery or unit.
If you have a unit that is showing any signs of overheating, please discontinue use of the device immediately and leave the device powered off and unplugged in a safe location. Possible signs of overheating, include, but are not limited to: a swollen and/or expanded battery, melted or distorted plastic, or a unit that feels hot to the touch.​